Share with us - Melisron
דלג לתוכן המרכזי דלג לתחתית העמוד / האתר

Share with us

As part of the ethical code it has adopted, Melisron is committed to transparency, integrity and fairness in its business activities. To this end, Melisron encourages its employees and suppliers to report to it any activity that they perceive as illegal, unethical or improper that occurs within the organization.


The purpose of this form is to allow you to report to the company in a discreet and secure manner any case you have encountered, which raises suspicion of unethical behavior, corruption, bribery, cheating, violation of legal provisions or any other activity that is not in line with the company’s values ​​or harms its reputation, carried out by An employee or supplier of the company in connection with its activities.


The reports that will be submitted will be carefully and professionally reviewed and will be kept with the required confidentiality and absolute anonymity.


Thank you for your contribution to promoting the company’s values.

Details submission form:

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory